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COVID-19 Exit Plan: Transfer Employees to an Outsourcing Partner

مؤلف: Sara Mohammad Siddiqui
May 12, 2020
Candidates • Employee retention • Employers • Jobs • Retail • Remote workers • IT • Culture • Employer Guide • Workplace • O&G • KSA


Novel Coronavirus. Novel Situation.

Sometimes it takes a while for all the mighty storms to fizzle out and for the horizon to be visible again in all its glory. The key to a business’ success during turbulent times is to remain steadfast on its mission by quickly learning from the situation and adapting to the changes. Though in some cases foresight helps in avoiding the drastic negative consequences brought on by unprecedented tough times; for other affected businesses it’s an opportunity to reflect, learn and be well prepared for any future disruptions. In his extremely popular commencement address to Stanford University graduates in 2005, entrepreneur and Apple co-founder late Steve Jobs remarked, “You can’t connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So, you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust in something — your gut, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life.” These lines resonate with millions of entrepreneurs and leaders across the world who are facing a colossal challenge with the pandemic situation while also making daily decisions on crucial matters of survival. https://youtu.be/E8kHDJKdJXM Looking back. Looking forward. While there is tremendous preparation on an individual level to venture outdoors again, there is also a tangible groundwork being laid out for the corporate world to prepare businesses from rude shocks in the near future. At this point of time, businesses must look back at the last two months to strategize for the forthcoming months. Drafting business continuity plans is important or better yet, bid adieu to old practices to re-define standards and processes for increased business efficiency and resiliency. As a leading staffing firm in the GCC region, TASC Outsourcing has successfully partnered with numerous organizations who have outsourced their non-core employees to protect their businesses from disruptions. Human resources are an extremely crucial asset for any business and working with the right outsourcing partner while restructuring your organization has tremendous benefits, and not just on the bottom-line.

Transfer employees. Transfer risks.

Here are some key benefits your business can gain when choosing to transfer staff visa to an outsource company:

  • Savings for business

Transferring employees to an outsourced partner will help businesses save on competitive benefit packages, technology expenditures to manage employees and reduce personnel costs.

  • Safeguards business

Businesses can rest assured of being 100% compliant as they are partnered with industry experts who have immense knowledge of local labour laws and regulations.

  • Agile workforce solutions

Flexibility with employee deployment helps business with strategic agility and in achieving economies of scale as they have the advantage to scale up and down depending on the business needs.

  • Improved efficiency

Working with an HR outsourcing partner frees up a lot of time for the line/HR managers and helps them focus on their core revenue-producing functions.

  • Engaged employees

Outsourcing partners employ various technologies, channels and events to engage with their outsourced employees to ensure they remain motivated toward their work. While recruiting and hiring employees on a permanent basis has been the norm, transferring employees to an HR outsourcing partner can henceforth prove to be a positive strategic change. We will be happy to support you on this journey. TASC Outsourcing is a leading staffing firm in GCC. Our services include remote worker solutions, contract staffing, permanent recruiting, PEO, payroll outsourcing. Contact us to learn more about how we can help your business with staff visa transfer in UAE and across GCC. 

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