A Success 2024 Guidebook

The Making Emiratization A Success 2024 Guidebook offers a detailed overview of local labour laws, government initiatives, and current hiring trends in the UAE job market. With data gathered from over 5500 survey responses, this guide offers an accurate picture of the UAE market landscape in 2024.

First-Ever Public-Private Sector Partnership On Emiratisation

In Collaboration with the Ministry of Human Resources & Emiratisation (MoHRE)

Largest survey with 5500+ respondents

Representative of UAE Population

2024 Emirati
Salary Guide

Expert & Employer Tips, Insights & Trends

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Of The Guide Now!

Discover all the information you need to make Emiratization a success for your business with this one-of-a-kind resource that includes the latest Emiratisation updates by MoHRE. This guidebook will equip you with all the essential information and insights into the government initiatives to boost Emiratization, salary, hiring trends, NAFIS benefits, government support, and insights into both the Emirati candidate perspective and the impact of Emiratization on businesses.


Falek Tayyeb

An Exclusive Platform for Employers to Hire Emirati Faster.

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